Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Still filling holes

     I started off today by cutting out a piece of plywood the shape of my cardboard, just a little bigger.  I love my new tool for cutting curves.  What a lifesaver for this project.  I only needed a little bit of trimming when I got to the boat, then screwed it into place.  This covers the hole and will also act as the rear wall of the new icebox when I get around to making it.


      I moved back up to the v berth and did some sanding on the pieces to make everything fit properly.  The front piece ended up being a very tight fit, so I decided to just secure it in place rather than making it removable.  If I need access to this area the top pieces lift off.  I screwed in a 1X2 across the back and screwed into this and the top support rail from the front.  All the bare wood needs a coat of two of primer and then will get painted.  I might splurge for a piece of hardwood laminate for the front piece and varnish it up all nice and pretty, will have to wait and see how I feel later.

     I had a little bit of time left before it got dark, so I started playing around with the basic layout of the new step area.  I want to have the counter go all the way across the boat and somehow incorporate some stairs or steps into it.  I think I am going to end up with the front of the icebox running straight over to the galley.  The plan is to use the existing battery box/step as the bottom step, the counter top as the top step, with one in between on the port side.  It looks nice in my head, but I'm going to have to make a mock up out of cardboard and see how well it fits.

     While working back here trying to line up some supports I pulled off the last couple of old supports on the side of the galley.  Of course the last one had to be a real bear.  I put some heft into it, and imagine my surprise when the whole galley pulled out with it.  I knew they were designed to be removable, but wow.  I sure didn't think it would be that easy to move.  This will make it a lot easier to clean up and paint the area underneath.  I just have to figure out how to keep it removable, but "locked" into place by my new additions, which also need to be removable.  Just in case I somehow come up with the money/inclination to put a new inboard in there.  Until then I guess I am just making myself a bunch of storage.


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