Friday, December 2, 2011

Head (mostly) primed

     Today started out with a bunch of sanding.  I got the epoxy securing the head backing sanded smooth as well as the patches on the bulkheads I did earlier.  After cleaning it all up I gave it a coat of primer.  Starting to look pretty good in there I think.  I bought a piece of PVC to connect the bottom of what is there to another piece to hide more of the sanitation hose when it runs through.  I think I'm going to have to cut out the back part of the pipe in order to get it installed, but you shouldn't be able to tell that from the front.

     The next step in here is to set the toilet in place and work on running some of the many lines needed to install it.  I will need a hose coming from the head to the holding tank, one from the tank discharge to a split, one from there to the discharge up top, and one from the split to the discharge seacock with a pump installed in line.  I also need a vent hose from the holding tank to up top and a line from the water inlet to the toilet.  At some point I'm going to need to get a holding tank, but for now I just plan on running all these lines to their general location and leaving them long.

     Once I have all of the holes cut out that I need I will sand down, prime, and paint the floor of this area.  Not sure what I'm going to use for this yet, but I don't think it is a decision that needs to be rushed.  Not a whole lot of sailing going on for the next couple of months.

     I also finished constructing the front of the locker box.  The picture is upside down, but you get the idea.  The piece of wood in the middle sits on the bottom piece already in place, and the piece on top helps to stiffen it up as well as giving the top a place to sit.  The bottom angle matches up with the floor in this area, and the corner that is cut out matches up with a drainage hole already in place.  After sanding everything down for a good fit I threw a coat of primer on it, as well as a couple other pieces I hadn't gotten to earlier.  Next time I am out I plan on painting this with white BilgeKote to match the rest of the box interior.  After the paint, the only things left in the locker will be the final paint (still need to pick a color), the trim for the shelves, and a bar to hang jackets and cold weather gear on.