Thursday, December 9, 2010

November 10, 2010

     Today I put the second coat of primer on inside the chain locker and the first coat throughout the rest of the berth.  I originally planned on stripping the ugly purple down to bare wood and staining it, but that isn’t going to happen.  Between the insanely thick paint and all the dings in it, it would take forever to sand down completely, and I just don’t feel like putting that much work or time into this at this point.  Maybe some day.

     After finishing the priming I started emptying out the gear locker area across from the head.  What a disgusting mess of moldy funk and rusted out bottles and cans of who knows what.  I need to decide what I plan on doing with this area so I can just rip out anything I don’t need.  I saw one guy who took out the whole wall here and made everything feel a lot more open and spacious.  I’m thinking this might be a good place to put a holding tank for the head or more fresh water, and put a sink above it.  Will have to talk to the boss and see what she thinks.

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