Monday, January 24, 2011

Coming together

     I got a lot done today.  First, I got a coat of paint on the parts I couldn't get to earlier on the galley and in the engine box.  Next I cut out the pieces for the small icebox, and the port side piece for the main icebox.  Of course this involved a bunch of sanding to get them to slide into place.  I need to do a bit more, but for now they are good.  I'm going to have to take it back apart when I start working on all the insulation, drains, and fiberglassing needed to finish this project.  Sadly, the finances aren't there at the moment, so I have to move on to other things that I can do with the materials I have on hand for now.  I put everything together to see what it is going to look like when it's finished, and I'm pretty happy with the result. 

     I still need to install a step on the front of the engine box, and I'm thinking about adding a step on top of it as well, even with the top of the icebox.  Any ideas or suggestions?  Feedback people!

     I moved over to the port side seat after getting everything back together.  I spent a while trying to envision the layout I want and doing some measuring.  Before building anything here though, it is going to need to be sanded and painted.  I cleaned and scrubbed everything I could and then broke out the sander and went to town.  Thankfully I had a dust mask on.  What a mess.  After I got off everything I could I wiped down the whole area and cleaned up as much of the mess as I could.  It's going to take a while for all the dust to settle.

     I thought about getting a quick coat of primer on, but I had agreed to make dinner.  Roasted game hens, potatoes, and brussel sprouts.  Cross your fingers that I don't mess it up.

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