Wednesday, July 20, 2011


     The photo pretty much sums up today's work.  I got the backrest sanded to fit correctly, temporarily installed, and the hatches cut out.  The cuts need to be sanded around all the edges and then primed/painted to match the inside.  I also need to install a couple of pieces of wood to act as stops so the bottom pieces don't fall back inside the storage area.  They won't fall out because the cushion will be in front of them.  The top cut outs will remain open like the port side with something across the center to help keep items from falling out.

     I also spent some time at the marina office today trying to get the price of my slip lower so I don't have to move.  They did come down, but only to match the price of the next marina over (which is much nicer).  I guess that means we are going to be moving.  The plan is to do it either on Friday or when we get back from our trip.  I can only imagine how out of place our boat is going to look at the chi chi marina.

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