Thursday, March 31, 2011



     The weather was rainy, cold and just all around miserable so I didn't get anything done on the power boat.  Working outside in that crap isn't very appealing to me.  I figured I could go work on the sailboat a bit, but after my 36 hour shift and having to go back to work tomorrow I didn't feel like doing much.  A beer and a book sound like a good way to spend the day.

     I did stop by the store and pick up my epoxy and supplies.  Some resin, hardener, filler, dispensers, mixing sticks, and a mixing cup.  $175 sure doesn't buy much of this stuff.  At least now I'll be able to start making some better progress in the next couple of weeks.  A cooler seems to me to be a required item before sailing season starts.  How else will I have ice for drinks and nice cold beer?

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