Wednesday, March 16, 2011

1" Insulation

     I bought a sheet of the same insulation I used earlier, but this one is 1" instead of the 2".  I had to bring it home in my mustang, so I had to cut it in to quarters and put it in the back seat.  Have I mentioned that I need a truck?  I also bought a couple small pieces of 1/4" wood to cover the insulation with while I was there.  I have yet to buy the epoxy and fiberglassing material because I'm cheap and am having a hard time coughing up that much money.  My wife likes to joke about my "free" boat.

     I cut out the insulation using cardboard templates again and fit them in to place.  No pictures today though, sorry.  Just look at the last one and add a layer.  Not too exciting.  I cut out the hole for the drain pipe to make sure it still fit.  I then picked up a LOT of insulation pieces, cardboard cuttings, and other random junk that seems to accumulate and made a trip to the dumpster.

     I had time to do more, but the nice weather screamed gardening to me so I headed home and started getting the beds ready.  I pulled up a bunch of weeds and laid down a layer of black weed barrier cloth.  One of the parts of the garden was grass last year and I am hoping this will help kill some of that off without having to pull every piece of grass.  Then I got to do what I have been holding off on...planting maters!

     I used a bunch of little plastic cups as my planters and went to town.  I'm sure I won't have space for all of them, but I started a bunch of different varieties.  Lets see if I can remember what they are.

1 - Roma - The work horse of the garden, the only non heirloom tomato planted.  I need to rectify that situation.
2 - Brandywine - One of the best tasting tomatoes, ever.
3 - Black Brandywine - First time growing this one, not sure what to expect.
4 - Yellow Brandywine - We love using this to make salsa with.  Very sweet and colorful.
5 - Mini Brandywine - This is an experiment I am working on.  It is cherry tomato crossed with the yellow brandywine.  They are cherry sized, but shaped and taste like the brandy.  It worked well last year and I am trying to stabilize it.
6 - Dr. Wychers Yellow - First time growing this one as well.
7 - Classic - Just a good old tomato with lovely taste and very few seeds.
8 - Big Guy - No idea what this is really called.  This is from a pack of assorted seeds I got a couple of years ago.  Similar to the classic, but bigger and doesn't produce as well.
9 - Marglobe - A classic, but the first time I'm trying it.
10 - Nicholson Red - A large cherry that I have been growing for a couple of years now. 

I also have some non tomato plants started.
- Peppers - several varieties including hot, medium, and sweet
- Sugar snap peas - These are actually already in the ground and doing well
- Potomac Beans - An heirloom string bean that puts out like crazy
- Flowering Vine - Has edible flowers, but unknown what the actual name is.
- Basil - Can't live without this
- Lavender
- Swiss Chard - Love eating this, but never tried growing it before.
- Cucumber
- Zuchini

Who knew this was a gardening blog?

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