Monday, March 7, 2011

Short day

     I did get out to the boat again today, but didn't get to spend a lot of time out there.  I got my spray foaming done though, so at least I made some progress.  I filled in the crevices from piecing together everything, leveled things out a bit, and tried to make it all just a bit more even for the next layer of insulation.

     The only other boat work I got done was going to West Marine and finding something I could use as the drain for the top cooler.  The clear hose I already have on hand won't work with it (of course), but that shouldn't be too hard of a problem to evercome.  The drain on the bottem is still driving me nuts though.  I'm going to have to take the pieces I have to the hardware store and try to piece something a little better together.

     The rest of the afternoon was filled with stuff I have been putting off for too long, including a trip to the dentist and a bath for the dog.  He seemed to enjoy it about as much as I did.  Of course I did balance that out with a little bit of gardening.  I seem to catch the plant bug pretty bad this time of year and today I got some of the early stuff done.  The snap peas seem to be doing pretty good so I stuck them in the ground along with some chard.  I also started out some herbs and a couple other vegetables in their little planters.  However, I'm having to fight the urge to start the tomatos.  Every year I seem to start them too early and end up regretting it.  Mid March.....mid March.  I can wait.

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