Thursday, February 17, 2011

More holes

     Today was gorgeous outside, so work proceeded a little bit slower that it should have.  Lots of people hanging out at the marina shooting the breeze.  The nice part about the warmer weather was that I finally got around to filling 18 holes with epoxy.  Of course on the way home I saw a couple that I missed.  Next time.  Hopefully this will help with the leaks.

     I also removed the remaining three handrails to take home and refinish.  The inside ones aren't terrible if you ignore the yellow paint splattered all over them, but the one from the outside was horrible.  "R" had refinished the other outside one earlier and it looks amazing.  Hopefully I can get this one to match.  Having these removed will make the interior painting much easier.  I thought I was going to have to dig out rotted core and epoxy in the holes, but it seems one of the previous owners had already done the exterior one I removed, and "R" did the other.  Nice!  So for now I just have some painters tape covering the holes.

     While I was in the filling in holes mood, I got out the wood filler and patched up a bunch of holes in the port side forward bulkhead, including the patch I made earlier for the speaker hole.  I then sat back with a beer and watched the filler dry for a good half hour.  Hard work I tell ya.

     Before calling it quits for the day I did a lot of picking up.  I'm such a slob out there it was getting hard finding the tools I needed.  The engine compartment is doing duty as a catch all storage area now and it helps a bunch.

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