Wednesday, November 2, 2011


     I got all five of the shelves cut out this morning before running some errands.  When I got out to the boat I was surprised at how well the ones for the hanging locker fit, and how poorly the ones for the head fit.  With the grinder and sander I got everything to fit and cleaned up.  I primed all the bare wood I wouldn't be able to reach later and then installed the ones in the locker.  The picture looks a little distorted, but i think that is because of the angle I took the picture from.  The bottom area will eventually have a front piece but I haven't worked on that yet. I'm planning on using some 1/4" hardwood plywood so I can stain it up nice and pretty.  The front of the two top shelves will have a fiddle installed as well as the rear of the bottom one.  I am waiting to get everything painted before installing them though.

     I also got the two shelves for the head fitted and primed, but I didn't install them yet.  I need to size out and cut a circular hole in the middle of them to run the sanitation hose through.  I took a little piece of the hose home with me so I can take it to the hardware store later.  I want to try to find a PVC fitting or something similar that I can install for the hose to run through.  This should clean it up as far as looks go and also provide a bit of chafe protection.  I will have to see what I can find.

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