Not the best of pictures, but hopefully it gets the point across. This was taken while I was sanding down the pieces trying to get them to fit properly. The gap on top of the frame looks a little weird, but it is level; the boat is acually crooked, not the frame. As you can probably imagine, all the wood on the inside of the frame is going to be cut out to leave a nice pretty hole. I actually already did that, but can't seem to find the picture, so you get one mid work. I also had to cut out little blocks of wood for the screws because it doesn't take much to go through 1/4" of plywood.
After getting the fit good enough to satisfy me, I removed everything and cut out the inside scrap. After that I sanded down all the edges and primed the back side of everything, including my little wood "washers". I haven't decided if I am going to paint the backs with the BilgeKote or just leave them primed. You won't be able to see it anyways, and that stuff is expensive!
Before putting it all back together I still need to figure out where the sanitation hose is going to run through and make a cut out for it. I'm thinking about getting more 2" PVC to hide it on the outside over to the forward bulkhead. That should keep everything looking cleaner and a little more professional. Once everything is permanently installed I will be adding fiddles to the front edge of both shelves that match the frame and priming/painting the bare wood.
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