Yesterday I installed the back piece for the head. It took some sanding to get everything to fit just perfect before screwing it in place, but not much. I also cut out a spot on the bottom for the sanitation hose to run through on its way from the pump out connection to the holding tank. Once I got everything screwed in place I was a little disappointed with how flimsy it seemed, mostly where the three pieces joined each other. Enter the epoxy. If you look at the picture you can see wetness where the pieces join up and along the edges. I also did along the bottom edge because I had a little left over and figured why not. The spot with the most epoxy is on the bottom left corner near the seacock. I tried to make this a smooth of a seam as possible when I did the cut out, but...
The plan for today was to cut out a replacement piece for the front of the hanging locker box, but it is pretty miserable out right now. The rain is holding me back from getting the saw out of the barn for now. Hopefully it will clear out later this afternoon and I get a chance to make the cuts. I was also hoping to get a coat of primer in the head, but I think the chilly temperatures are slowing down the cure rate on the epoxy. I should give it another day or two to finish curing.
The good part about not going outside today is it allows time to cook up Thanksgiving dinner part 2. While at the grocery store the other day we picked up a bunch of on sale items, including a 12 pound turkey for $0.54/lb. Not too shabby. It has spent the last couple of days in the fridge thawing and is finishing up in the sink right now. Guess I need to get off this site and figure out how to cook a turkey. Happy Thansgiving (2) everyone!
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