Thursday, August 4, 2011


      I broke out the hole saw today and cut out a 2" hole in the back of the boat to install a connection for shore power, shown above inside and out.  Right now it is hooked up with an extension cord and I hate the way it looks.  Thanks to the local sailing consignment shop it didn't set me back too much either.  The wire (yes it is marine rated, and yes that means it is stupid expensive) runs down through the conduit to the engine box where I installed a GFI outlet for the battery charger to plug in.  I'm not sure if I will run anything else from here or not, but it is in a very convenient location if I do.  I also cut out holes for some of the panel components to fit in but I need to get some smaller screws to put them in place.  I'm hoping to get the electrical system at least far enough along to have the lights needed to go sailing but of course there seems to be a million things that need to get first.  Today was one of those days where I was wondering if I bit off more than I can chew.

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