Friday, May 6, 2011

Foiled again, and again, and....

     I was hoping to get to the sailboat and spend a couple of hours sanding and fitting on the icebox, but it was just not meant to be.  As I was eating my breakfast this morning the neighbor backed in to the yard and started hooking up the trailer.  I guess today is the day to put the fishing boat in the water.

     Knowing this day was coming I had prepared everything to make sure it went smoothly.  You can guess how well that turned out.  The first problem was that I couldn't find the drain plug.  Aggravating, but easily fixed.  We'll just swing by WM on the way to the launch.  Turns out they only sell them in packs of two.  Sigh...

     We backed the boat in smoothly, but when I turned the key I got nothing.  Couldn't even turn the radio on.  I just charged the battery up over the weekend and it is already shot.  I knew this day was coming so I had thoughtfully charged up the second battery as well.  Hook that one up and nothing.  My day isn't looking so good so far.  How can two just charged batteries be bad?  Thinking it might be the wiring I checked the voltage on it....4V. 

     Thankfully my neighbor has two new batteries he will be installing, so he ran home to get one of those.  After breaking a lug removing the second battery I finally got his in place.  Success!  I putted up the creek to the dock without anything else going wrong.  Amazing.  I took his battery out, went and bought a new one, and put it in.  Of course this involved new connectors and heat shrink because of all the stuff I ripped up during my little adventure.  Never as easy as it could be, is it?

     Once that I got that chore taken care of I figured I would head to the marina.  On the way my friend called and said him and his girlfriend were on their way down.  Guess I need to clean out the cooler and bring it out to the boat.  I needed a nice relaxing rest of the day anyway.  The sailboat is just going to have to wait a bit longer.  This is how I will be spending the rest of my day.  Have I ever mentioned how  much I love my work schedule?

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