Tuesday, April 26, 2011

On my back

     I spent most of this afternoon on my back underneath the fishing boat scraping paint and last years left over barnacles.  It was so much fun.  I should be painting it sometime this week and getting it in the water by (hopefully) the weekend.  I'm sure the sailboat will be a little neglected for a bit when we put it in for the season, but hopefully not for long.

     I spent a little bit of time at the marina today as well.  I cut out a couple of pieces for the icebox lid and glued some stuff in place.  This part of the project is going very slow.  I can only glue one or two pieces a day and then have to wait until they dry to sand them down.  Once they are all on I can coat them with epoxy, sand them down, paint them, and move on to something else for a bit.

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