Thursday, March 3, 2011

Back to the icebox

     I finally went back to the icebox today.  I cut out a bunch of templates on cardboard then transferred them over to the insulation, then trimmed them all 8 gazillion times before installing them.  The first layer I put in today is 2 inches thick, although it doesn't look it in the picture because I had to cut out a bit to fit them around the top supports.  I also cut out the holes for both drains in this layer. 

     There will be another layer on top of this one, but I haven't decided if I will do 1 or 2 inch.  I'm kind of leaning towards 1 inch right now just to keep this as roomy as possible.  Cold is nice, but if you can't fit anything it seems a little pointless.  Either way, I need to buy the insulation so it isn't going to be in the next couple days.

     Tomorrow I am planning on buying some spray foam to fill in the little gaps left behind and try to even everything out a bit better, but you all know how my plans tend to work out.

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