I didn't get a very early start on the boat today, plus it is getting dark so early that it really makes it hard to spend much time out there. I got a pretty satisfying amount done today though. To start my day I bottled about 6 gallons of beer I brewed. Now I just have to wait for it to finish. When that was done I decided to do some boat work. I cut out some plywood to the shapes I needed, purposely cutting them a little large. It is much easier to cut or sand them down a bit then having to start over. I got them fit in to place one at a time and marked where I need to cut off a little bit more. Because of the little bit of overhang I had to do them one at a time. The piece on the side was the hardest because of its strange shape.
I also marked out and started cutting out the part of the port side settee that was under the old ice box to give myself a little bit more room in the new one. I didn't get the hole done though because I broke my bit. Time for another trip to Home Depot it seems.
Ohhhh, my baby! Nice to see the Old Girl get the love she deserves. Congrats on your first batch.
Thanks! Hope it isn't too traumatic seeing her get gutted out. I promise I will make her look pretty again.
So, is the copper ready yet? I don't want to break into it yet in case it needs some more time.
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